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"A journey of light and darkness"

May 19


This intense Boot Camp workout take place outdoors and will push the envelope of your physical mental and emotional limits.

Why would people subject themselves to this?
“Because this experience will bring benefits way beyond fitness".

While body fat may be reduced, you will gain a great sense of accomplishment after going through the process. It really triggers people to seek greater challenges in their entire lives. They think, if I can get up and do that, than I can do anything. It tweaks the way you think about yourself. The physical benefits are secondary to the emotional and psychological effects.

A boot camp workout is very back-to-basics training. That means a workout that’s heavy on jumping jacks, lunges, squats, timed sprints, running laps, sports drills, sit-ups and push-ups—about 300 to 400 a session. Running with tires, crawling, climbing or just plain hurtling the body through the mud are other ways in which boot camps boost intensity, challenging cardiovascular capacity and strength.

We are pushing people harder than they ever would push themselves on their own, Maurice Lussier says, head coach, Extreme Zone, adding, as a trainer I noticed that many people weren’t training themselves hard enough. Many people stay with the same routine for years without challenging themselves.

Enlisting takes courage, and most people think about enlisting for a year or more before actually taking the step. But once they're in, many get hooked.

People who want a hot cup of coffee and a plush armchair, should definitely stand aside...But if you want the experience of a lifetime, this extreme adventure may be for you!

Up to the challenge ?

“Boot Camp” schedule:
- Pre-Inscription from April 1 to May 17 2018

- 8h00 to 16h00 : Saturday, May 19 2018
- Cost: $65

Reservation: 514 569-0664 or email

Maurice Lussier
"Mö, the Warrior Monk"
Head Coach, Extreme Zone



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